I've been a practicing pagan for over 11 years and have been a Hellenic Polytheist for the past 5. I've studied folk magic and eclectic practices outlined by the mainstream neopagan community and now seek to learn more about western (classical Greco-Roman, Renaissance) and Eastern (Arabic, Persian) magical systems, practical alchemy, and the creation of sigils, and astrological talismans. I do consider myself a syncretist in some of my philosophical leanings, but I am a "hard core" polytheist- believing in the divinity, immortality, and individuality of the Olympians, Chthonic deities, and daemons of Hellas.
I work in live theater in Arlington, Virginia and am currently pursuing a second degree in Business Administration. I also read tarot, professionally, both in person and online. I am an avid bibliophile with particular interests in Astronomy, Mathematics, History, Astrology, Hermetics, Greco-Roman philosophy and culture, Foreign affairs, Economic and Political debate, and the fine art of drinking delicious beer. My life is a dedication to the gods, the mind, and finding pleasure in the senses. I look forward to making more friends in the pagan community.
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