Sticks and Stones

Gifts for Spirit, Mind, Body

  • Female
  • Fairfax, VA
  • United States
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  • Annie Stevens
  • Stephen Hatt
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  • Bobbie Parrish
  • Melissa the Awesome Blossom
  • Angelica
  • Viktor Kapinus
  • Sam Block
  • Michele, the Stone Lady
  • Dawn M. Savitski
  • Amethyst Star
  • Najlah F
  • SeaMist
  • Willow Dreamwalker
  • Jarandhel Dreamsinger

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Gwendolyn's Blog

Hello and Happy Spring!

Posted on April 21, 2013 at 3:30pm 0 Comments

We hope you are well and enjoying the new growth all around!

Big announcement - we have Kellianna ( ) in Concert at our store on May 1 for Beltane! See link below - Space is limited, tickets are only $20 a person so get your ticket soon!

Also, we are finalizing another booking for Jenna Greene ( ) for Wednesday May 8 to teach a workshop and perform…



Posted on March 3, 2012 at 4:51pm 0 Comments

Trees don't judge, they just are,,, they are here for so many beautiful reasons. Peace, Gwendolyn Preview

"Adoration for Pomona" (in the month of the apple tree) by Scott B. Stewart

Posted on September 15, 2011 at 12:01am 0 Comments

This month, this season

we will gather under the apple tree

as Autumn dawns upon the earth

to pray under the apple tree

so dear to Pomona's heart.

Dear and wise Pomona, we invoke thee

in the sacred month of your apple tree

to bring forth your fertility.

Fill our minds with…

OGHAM The Celtic Oracle - ASH

Posted on March 6, 2010 at 12:39am 0 Comments


Posted on February 27, 2010 at 6:35am 1 Comment


The Goddess Tree

Profile Information

About Me
(Founding Mother)
Gwendolyn is a Reiki Master in the Usui tradition and a Celtic Reiki Master, and she is the founder of Sisters in The Goddess Tree, school of the Divine Feminine. She has a BS from James Madison University and has since worked professionally in the accounting and information technology fields. Her vision for our community is to learn and grow together, respecting all spiritual paths. She has studied many religions and sciences, as well as dance and music, which are both very important to her.
"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make."


Sisters in the Goddess Tree, Coventry of the Divine Feminine is now accepting students, women only age 18 and older. Click here for more information

The Goddess Tree is all about empowering ourselves as women ... by finding the Goddess Within. We start with the basics - and move on to the magical. It is the position of this school that all spiritual paths and belief systems can benefit by incorporating the Divine Feminine. The teachings here are based on ordinary magick and the principle that the mundane and the Divine are not separate - but peacefully coexist in all things. Know Mother Earth as the ultimate healer, and learn to utilize her gifts of nature. Inside each woman is a being of wisdom, deeply connected to the phases of the moon, to the heart of the earth, and to the tides of the sea. All we to remember.

I know these lessons helped me establish an inner peace, in realizing my self as maiden, mother, crone, as a Goddess. I truly feel that all women possess great wisdom and power, and this is why I decided to pass along these teachings, to help women realize...and remember.





Latest Activity

Gwendolyn posted an event

Intuitive Card Readings with Sway at Sticks and Stones

August 25, 2021 all day
Sway Is a practitioner with over 5 years of experience. She was born in Northeastern Pa, but grew up in the U.S Virgin Islands. She’s familiar with Pennsylvania Dutch Folk magic with a Caribbean influence. She is an artist, healer, animal lover, and an intuitive reader. She is a certified life coach, as well as, a therapeutic art coach. Sway is an eclectic grey witch, focusing on woman’s spirituality and empowerment. Her readings are gentle and encouraging, she will leave you feeling lighter…See More
Aug 25, 2021
Pat C liked Gwendolyn's page crystals, polished stones, carved totems, stone bracelets and pendants, minerals
Aug 31, 2019

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At 6:22pm on April 28, 2014, Willow said…

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GWENNYBEE!!!  I love and miss you!!!



At 10:25pm on January 6, 2013, Rae Benavage said…

Hey, Gwendolyn, this is Alix's mom.  This is the site I was talking to you about when I was looking for nettle.  Would you look at this, especially the link for "14 Steps for Healthy Guts"?  Also, check out the "Master Tonic 101" link.  That's what I've been doing for about a month now and it is incredible.  Would love your opinion.

At 6:02pm on March 10, 2011, Connora said…

I am so sorry I had to change my RSVP at this late hour.  I will miss attending, and was so looking forward to it.  I'll see you another time.


At 8:25pm on May 25, 2010, patricia ricker said…
Hello!! I want to start the Goddess Classes agin.I have the first 2 books but,need the third for the first part.So if you have the third book PLEASE hold it for me and i'll come get it.I Love You!!!!!You are so Beautiful and fill me with peace and joy!!!! ((((((((( HUGS )))))))))!!!
At 2:42pm on March 13, 2010, Sue S. said…
Thanks, Gwendolyn. I really enjoyed the red clover class last night and your comments on the "evil eye crystal". I'm looking forward to learning more at your great store. Thank you. Namaste, Sue
At 10:47pm on March 8, 2010, Kathleen B Shawver said…
Thank you, it is good to be among sisters.
Love and light and many blessings.
At 11:55am on February 1, 2010, Michele Perry said…
Thank you. I will keep you and Bubbles updated on my progress.
At 12:23am on January 05, 2010, Dawn gave Gwendolyn a gift
Thank you! I am a single mom and I work from home, so it was so nice to get out and be among like-minded people!
At 10:18pm on November 11, 2009, Sherry Tinnell said…
Thanks! I am so excited I cant stand! I am looking forward to meeting everyone!
At 7:42am on November 06, 2009, Mary gave Gwendolyn a gift
Gwendolyn, You are truly a very special, magical Lady! Thank you for Sisters in The Goddess Tree and for all the learing and social events you make available to us at Sticks and Stones. HUGS ~Mary

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