Gifts for Spirit, Mind, Body
Time: February 25, 2011 from 6:30pm to 8pm
Location: Sticks and Stones
Street: 9970 Main Street
City/Town: Fairfax Virginia 22031
Website or Map:
Phone: 7033522343
Event Type: meetup
Organized By: OrthaeVelve
Latest Activity: Feb 25, 2011
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The purpose of this group is to provide a basic introduction to practical ESP methods and types such as clairvoyance, remote viewing, astral travel, divination, empathy, dowsing, scrying, psychic shielding, psychic cleansing, psychic self defense, psychic attack syndrome, tulpas and thought forms, remaining grounded and rational and whatever other areas of interest are voiced by the group.
The second purpose is to establish a dedicated working group willing to commit to monthly meetings and intensive self development with the purpose of becoming more adept and skilled in all these and other areas. Meetings will be the last Friday of the month unless otherwise announced.
We will have presentations by members on areas they know more about or are willing to research, and we will have a highly recommended reading list as well.
We will also touch on basic magical practice in no particular tradition with the emphasis of teaching good basic daily habits for those working a magical pathway. This is not, however a coven or circle, simply an in depth study group. Newcomers and outsiders are welcome, but if anyone plans to attend for more than two sessions, we ask that they make a solid commitment to do the reading homework and some kind of daily practice, be willing to contribute to consumables such as incense, snacks and tea and also be capable of taking constructive criticism. Those interested in being regular members are also encouraged to lead group sessions and take turns teaching us about new topics. If you are interested in being a regular member and are willing to make a commitment to teach on a topic and be there for at least 6 months worth of meetings, please let us all know.
Rules will be voted on at the first meeting this February, and new rules may be added in the future if suggested by and voted on by the group.
Minimum age of attendance is 12, and anyone under 18 must provide a parent or guardian's approval, preferably by having said guardian formally give verbal and written permission.
For questions and further information contact
Recommended Reading list:
"Remote viewing secrets" and "Mind trek" by Joseph Mcmoneagle
"You are Psychic" by pete sanders
"Journeys out of the Body" by robert monroe
"Everybody's Guide to Natural ESP: Unlocking The Extrasensory Power of Your Mind" by Ingo Swann and Marilyn Ferguson
"The Practice of Magic" and "Spiritual cleansing" by draja mickaharic
"Astral Dynamics" by Robert Bruce
"The Art of Psychic Protection" by Judy Hall
"Scrying for Beginners" by Ted Andrews
"Mysticism and the New Physics" and "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot
"The Psychic Energy Workbook" by Michael Miller
"The Seventh Sense" by Lyn Buchanan
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