Join us at Sticks and Stones for our shamanic Worldwalking Group series. Come together and experience inner healing and self-discovery through deep trance and shamanic journeying techniques. Led by resident healer/seer Evie Bones, you will learn how to heal personal spiritual wounds, engage in safe practices for working with tutelary spirits, and improve your relationship with both nature and your community.
The first few gatherings for Worldwalking Group will focus on journeying basics and meeting your tutelary spirits, familiars, or spirit guides. You will learn how to prepare physically and mentally for journeying, how journeying works, how to approach spirits during a journey, and how to develop a respectful friendship and working relationship with them. If you have already engaged with a personal spirit companion, we will work together to deepen your relationship with them.
Shamanic Worldwalking Group will be made accessible for all skill levels. From 7:00 to 7:30, we will go over the focus for the evening as well as any instructions necessary for newcomers. Journeying begins at 7:45, with time afterward for grounding and journaling.
We will meet on every other Wednesday, make sure to check the calendar for any changes in schedule.
Shamanic Worldwalking Group is a free meet-up, but we gently suggest a donation of $5 per person.
Evie Bones is a bone reader, hedgewitch, and spirit worker. She employs centuries-old family shamanic practices for healing, divination, and community improvement. She can be reached through the shop for private healing sessions, and provides bone readings on Fridays.
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