Sticks and Stones

Gifts for Spirit, Mind, Body

Annette Renee Daggit
  • Front Royal, VA
  • United States
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Annette Renee Daggit's Page

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About Me
I.m 49 and just getting myself back together after a ten year illness. Trying to pick up things I need, such as stones, tarot cards, meditation techniques, and getting to know new people interested in the same things I'm interested in.

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At 11:41am on August 19, 2015, Mark Pietrzyk said…

FB_20150703_07_37_49_Saved_Picture.jpgA year and a day since you went away

miss you bunches on the journeys I take every day

had to leave a messege even tho you know

just how it is you made me grow

had to say the feelings really swail

the rains haven't brought much on hail

hoped so often you found your place

of the love and your so changing grace

At 3:38pm on March 18, 2015, Mark Pietrzyk said…

made the Cali. move, been here 2 weeks now today, yesterday was St Paddys Day, visited O.B. we'd been there before, bought some nag champa for the send off I plan to give you here shortly, guess I gonna do it at P.B.. Seems more refined as to your sense of comforts, hope you developing some sort of life after, you deserve so much for what you tried to accomplish for us and those involved and about you, don't wanna break down, Lord knows the waaaaaaa's been flowing here and there, so sorry I couldn't still be sharing you or giving in the world, miss you tons

At 7:53pm on February 26, 2015, Mark Pietrzyk said…

Getting ready to make a move, Taking your ashes for the ocean scene you'd wanted. Giving some of them to Patrick, who's at house atm, sending to Josh Crisi and Joey, maybe keep lil vile for myself, I don't know, anyway miss and think of you often, just don't know where all the thoughts are going or becoming. Still full of your awe and wonder.

At 11:25am on October 15, 2014, Mark Pietrzyk gave Annette Renee Daggit a gift
Heres your booster shot, from Me to You, said you'd visit
At 11:22am on October 15, 2014, Mark Pietrzyk gave Annette Renee Daggit a gift
missed the site for your B Day, heres a hug evermore WuvU2
At 2:54pm on September 4, 2014, Mark Pietrzyk said…

miss you baby, hoped to open a channel for us here, as we talked about on different occasions, thought this would be a good place to anchor, anyway can't quite recall how I found this for you, but dang it took me again, wuv u 2

At 11:19pm on May 09, 2011, Annette Renee Daggit gave Annette Renee Daggit a gift
Thank you Pat, I look forward to seeing you. I read a lot too. :
At 11:07pm on May 09, 2011, Annette Renee Daggit gave Annette Renee Daggit a gift
Kaitlin, Please to meet you. I hope we will become lifetime friends. Please call me Renee, and e-mail me any time.
At 1:25pm on April 10, 2011, Connora gave Annette Renee Daggit a gift
I'm glad you found the tarot cards that speak to you. They are always easier/more meaningful than other decks or at least I think so, because it works that way for me. I look forward to seeing you.
At 6:20pm on April 08, 2011, Kaitlin Ashley gave Annette Renee Daggit a gift
hi! im new here also

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