Sticks and Stones

Gifts for Spirit, Mind, Body

modron whiteraven
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  • rome,ga.
  • United States
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At 6:51am on September 7, 2009, modron whiteraven said…
We do .on gen,I am going to have to take Rueben keith to the library.I hate to go alone ,cassville cemetery.And the place was not open,the museum.Civil war cemetery.He is my gg gran.Surely ,someone has more information on the plots and tombstones .His son ,m ggran,[can remeber seeing them when I was very small and he was very old and didnt talk ] was minister .keiths do that a lot ,Jacbites ,highland removal ] and worked for the railroad a very long time .Hidden things about some of them .another time .I thought those eyes came from the edwards[tudor [ side .Interesting .And skipped a generation.My granddaughter has them.Sis ,would you send me your email offline and I will send address .I would love to sample your creation.I do some myself ,and will spak of it later .I could not sleep last night and feel as if I have been hit by a mack truck this morning .Going in a about an hour to hit the road and meet up with the boys.Looks like both sons are going now .The oldest one has a wild hair .I dont think he has been taking care of his diabetes.He will only be 35 end of this month .He is your generation.Hes strawberry blong .The other 2 are dark burgandy and black headed .Different fathers the last two .Shane looks a lot like daddy.daddy looks like th eold Janes keith.I dont know if I will get online .My child had a hard birth and that littl mewing thing ,melts my heart.I will be there as Son in law has to go back to work.I have not been able to really care for her for the past 10 years .She was in colleg e.So ,going to do th ebest to manifest something worth while .Nothing more important than kin ...Except creatix.Clan Keith is very old .Maybe you will write the book?You are next generation now .The world is your oyster .take the dragon pearl.Much love to my beautiful sister and kinswoman.Long journey.M
At 1:58am on September 7, 2009, Akasha said…
Wow we do have a lot in common! I helped teach yoga a while back & haven't done it as much as I should these past couple months! I'm starting chi gung & I understand the dabbling in lots of things-my mind can't stop wanting to absorb things-I have to put it on hold every now & then & actually ACT on the things I learned!
Thanks for the compliment on my eyes! I get asked a lot, in this order mind you, "do you have contacts?" I say no & then I get "do you wear color contacts?" Um...ok---if I said no to contacts overall... my eyes I did get from my dad, Sid Keith,although his were lighter or at least looked it with his tan I didn't inherit. He was lean, tall, dark skinned though with dark hair & a real Gemini twin although his twin was shorter, stocky, pale & balded prematurely. I'm 31, will be 32 April 4th (Aries thus the physical balance). I've always been white white though. Finding foundation makeup to match is tedious at best (& its sensitive) & cosmetic people will say, we have fair, but then hold it next to me & are like, oh... wow. ;) The rosemary box would be beautiful I bet too!
I LOVE playing with my dremel! I started with a cordless one & burnt it up so had to get a more powerful corded one. I've done everything from adorn my wands, making trivets to trimming my front door trim & under sink shelf work. Next is a soldering iron with a fine enough tip to expound upon my jewelry making. I haven't done a lot online yet-need to advertise more so selling stuff from modeling on ebay (big brand names-never cared about titles but obviously people do). But one on one around here people have said the energy is amazing, so thats why I chose to share it & all. I sent Gwendolyn a piece too & she said she loved it so hopefully it'll get rolling. I'm just proud of the website since I'm so computer illiterate. The energy is reaching who needs it & is ready as I learn to "filter" more pieces for other normies or beginners. Anywho-have fun with your family! My family consists of my husband, bombay kitty who I've had even longer, wolf hybrid, shepherd mix & a mother, father, sister & brother in law. My dad had a lot of kids before me but they're way older & didn't like my mother (too young, etc.) so I guess they lumped me with her. I'm writing a book too hopefully I'll actually finish. My high school English teacher turned publicist for some book company & contacted me. I have to be an insomniac for the writing & jewelry-seems my muse is nocturnal! =))
Let's definitely keep sharing! In fact if you want send me your address & colours you like & I'll send you a necklace! You can give me your feedback! =))
At 6:15pm on September 6, 2009, Akasha said…
Oh & my other staff is red oak but I'm more comfortable with the waxwood for now. ;)
At 6:12pm on September 6, 2009, Akasha said…
My teacher for the sword/staff stuff located me at a local fair & said he had something for me. He said he'd been looking for me, but it wasn't in a pervy way lol plus my husband was there. Anywho he brought me a halberd I think? It's old & ornate with a crescent moon on one side & what looks like a claw on the other with a blade on top like a spear. Thats for later & ritual for now though. I practice with white wax wood. It's surprisingly resilient & easy on the hands. I inherited more swords & some stuff from my grandmother. Mostly ritual; only 2 show sharpness & signs of physical use but do they ever! Occasionally I can get the sensations on them but my psychometry is rusty at best. I also have wands that are ash, mulberry, pine, chakte viga, purpleheart, & papauk or something like that. Only recently have I started looking up the meanings/symbols of the woods.
The reading sounds terrific! Let me know how that goes! I understand the minerals & vitamins. I started out over 10 years ago with herbs & stepped it up when I had a neural disease (over $2k to doctors when an ex dr. who ran the local health food store helped me with cayenne, butcher's broom & bromelain, then mega-dosing on b-complex) & now am a certified nutritionist but haven't done much with that. I thinking get my health back & finish getting personal trainer certified then the combo would serve me better.
I love rosemary & would love to see what you do with it! Ironically, that's what the halberd's name is. My teacher laughed but said Rosemary, with me, seemed appropriate. Oh & he's Cheyenne mostly & real middle name is Wolf, so not uncommon but also my own wolf approved of him so it was meant. The symbol by the way of the halberd is "being able to reach & affect what is normally out of reach to others". Since he "found" me & is definitely genuine, I've started back seriously trying to evolve to the next level-2 spurts I just "did" & they were havoc so hopefully control this next one. Glad I found people here & on net to help-I sincerely believe there are no such things as coincidences! Again let me know on the rosemary-I've never seen it get big either-it doesn't really around here. I've used the sticks as shish-ka-bob skewers for awesome flavour though. =))
At 5:12pm on September 6, 2009, Akasha said…
My grandfather was the Keith whose parents came here from Scotland or thereabouts & they moved to the Sioux City area in Iowa & my grandfather was born on the Sioux reservation. He was very hush about any family stories & what my dad knew was more on my grandmother's side (Harwood). Anywho i understand your busy spiritual life. I seem to always find myself living at a crossroads, literally & of 3 streets not your typical 4 way & the neighbourhood I live in has a few superstitious Catholic hispanics who call me the Witch at the crossroads & come to me for all sorts of things lol. I am redhead with a Bombay black kitty & wolf hybrid so guess i not helping the stereotype but they weren't planned =)). Had to go close a few portals around here over past few years too-teens playing & actually succeeding but not knowing what they doing. I think thats a lot of our energy flux problems so when they want a "teacher" I help out a bit thus doing the GoddessSchool thing. I still need a teacher myself! Luckily a couple have surfaced, physically, here & I am meditating more & learning staff & sword fighting (Aries girl-got to have the physical outlet esp. after my own past few years of medical issues). I will def. email you on the geneology & I hope we can share & expand both of our pasts to maybe understand our future's calling better. Again, blessings to you & yours for long time to come!!! xoxo
At 11:50pm on September 5, 2009, modron whiteraven said…
You are rh neg ?Have I a story for you .I still have not run back to europe with my bloodline ,but ,have crossed the Keiths 3 times .The priestess of the fairy people ,called all manner of names .They were just a different species ,the elder race .But ,my own grandmother a thousand years ago is the one I dreamed .She is Eda Lorens .I must admit supernatural activity is and has been afoot .things mundanes would most likely not perceive ?Pieces are coming together and still more pieces to find .rh blood is a marker genetically for these flok.royal ancestry .Druids ,etc...witches ,they call us by many names .hoping to write about it ,not ready yet.may never be.A sister did a reading for me on the grandbaby.Little fellow had a hard time along with my baby child .he is cone headed.So ,hopefully it will straighten out so he will fit in with the mundane world .He has the Keith temper .Thestag on our badge means we will not fight unless provoked.So he is observant and mellow unless messed with.He was fighting with everything his tint form could muster when the nurse had to wash his hair twice.It is black and he is dark.Most of us lighten to some degree .I came into the world as a na and the goddess turned me into a white interested in going to Glastonbury .Knowing me I will find an isolated mountain cose by .
I am rambling .Does anyone know what a plant a little over a foot tall with small blue berries is ?I am afraid it may be baneful...Pulled off the berries and put them in a safe place .beside my writing spider in the rosemary bushes .New dog had striooed the oassion vine ,She was sick for a day .The other 3 dont eat everything just grass.She eats anything .I have to watch her closely.

Learning some of the history .In my rh neg group we have been researching for many years .All have bloodlines that intersect.The history we have been taught is a lie .Indeed .En Veritas.Much love.Modron
At 11:34pm on September 5, 2009, Akasha said…
Hello sister! I hope all is well with your daughter & her baby. My bf had diabetes while she was pregnant-not before or afterwards- as well as a heart murmur but she & the baby are all good now! Let me know how the Keith background goes. I never got to know that side of my family much because I wasn't supposed to be born, although my grandmother who died a decade before I was knew my dad would have a redheaded granddaughter. Anywho, what little I have looked up has explained a lot lol. Best wishes to you & yours & k.i.t.! )0(

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