"Wisdom from Australian Animals" Deck: Goanna
A brief taste of what is in store for folks taking my class in September!
A popular way of finding out what animals want to be your friend or offer you advice is by using animal cards. Since it is restricted to a few animals, this method has limitations. However, it is a good beginning for learning how animals speak to people. People who enjoy working with the Tarot often use this method.
Pick an animal card deck that appeals to you. There are many popular decks available in bookstores or on the Internet. The most useful have books, which interpret the cards. If not, then get a popular animal wisdom book to go with your deck.
Finding Your “Animals of the Heart”
To do this, you must be reasonably calm and clear-headed. Spend a few moments quietly centering yourself. Now go through the animal card deck that you have chosen, and study each picture. As you go along, record your reactions in a notebook. If while looking at a card you feel intense feelings, then that animal is speaking to you.
When you draw a blank card, look at photos of various animals, until you react to one. Do not be surprised if an unknown animal is reaching out to you. I was shocked when Slug called to me. After working with Slug, we have become good friends, and its wisdom has helped me a great deal in my work. Slug greets me on the sidewalk or in the grass. I talk to Slug and find out what I need to move on more slowly on that day.
Take a break and ponder your feelings. You may want to allow yourself a few moments of quiet. Now shuffle the cards of those animals that you strongly reacted to. Draw out seven cards; these are the animals who are reaching out to you. Work with these animals to discern how you and they relate.
Why seven cards, you may ask? Most card systems prefer using seven for several reasons. Most importantly, seven has magical or spiritual associations. The seven spiritual associations with animals are Mind, Body, Spirit, Emotions, Earth, Sky, and True Self. Another reason is that there is more variety of animals without overwhelming you.
To discover who is helping you on what, you will need to work with the animals for a while. You may discover that several of them are working together on the same things. In my experience, animals do not restrict themselves to one aspect of your life. Usually, They work together as a team.

"Animal Wise Tarot": Toad
Finding Your “Animals of the Way”
Again quietly think about your life at this time. Ponder your problems, hopes, and dreams. Shuffle the deck and pull out a card. Study the animal’s message for the day and allow that animal’s insights come to you throughout the day. Write in your notebook whether the animal’s message resonated in you. If so, then this animal is one of your “Animals of the Way.”
Another method is to think about your life and ask for help from the animals. Removing your “heart” animals from the deck, shuffle the cards, and lay out four cards, one in each direction – north, west, south, and east. These four animals have offered to accompany you on your present journey. Learn about them as much as you can. But be aware that they do not exclusively restrict themselves to one area but act as a team. (A variation of this spread is to shuffle your “heart” animal cards, and place one of them in the middle. That animal will also be working with the “Animals of the Way”.)
Once again, if you drew a blank card, do the same as for the “Animal of Heart” blank card. That is how I encountered Squid, who taught me about flexibility. When you no longer need your companions, they will say goodbye to you.
Card systems are fine, but eventually as you grow in understanding, you will want to know more. One way is to collect different decks, and work with them. Or you can make your own cards and invent spreads for what works for you. I developed the Squid spread for myself to help me navigate rocky emotional waters.
(Decks are copyrighted by Ann Williams-Fitzgerald and Ted Andrews, respectfully. Purchase them at
Sticks and Stones)
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