Sticks and Stones

Gifts for Spirit, Mind, Body

Insomnia sharing on the New Moon in nowhere, TX =))

Just sending out good vibes cuz I have too many right now! Lol. Seriously, I'm in nowhere, TX (it's close to Ok, Ark & La in that little corner of TX) & it's pitch black after a series of storms (I'm used to city lights) so the energy is beautiful. I'm here helping my mother by making her booty go to the doctor(been years-sigh) & thus brought her groceries, etc. so she can't complain she can't afford it. I know she has a few skin cancers that need be removed-we're redheads-it happens.
Otherwise I'm still just happy because this year I've accomplished so much after 3 years of seeming stagnancy! I had Guilam Baret Syndrome (spelling-dr & all refer to it now as GBS) which caused my nerve sheathes to erode-sounds icky so sorry-I was constantly tingly & feeling like a voodoo doll & things would just quit working for hours, weeks, then come back thank Goddess but still was bizarre. Anywho, now my drs. have me being a guinea pig girl because I'm 110% over it with no permanent side effects save the neurons in my brain STEADILY firing more rapidly (it increased my 5 senses big time-mostly good except with stinky stuff & bass in music lol). It seems that's unheard of pretty much in anyone over the age of puberty. In addition to that now, after owning the domain name a sad mere 5 or 6 years, I finally got my art gallery/store etc. website up (maybe those neurons helped me learn things faster? lol doubtful) but it's up & I'm happy. Sales have been so-so but the point at this point in my life wasn't that-I'll market it later more-have you guys & model friends from back in the day-my stuff's made runway too!!! Woo-hoo! The big point is that it's done, secure, pretty (in my opinion anywho) & working! I also finished level 1 in the Goddess School online that same WEEK I got the site made into store mode!
Many women I know get sad when they turn 30. Mine was great because it was the beginning of my healing (took a while to diagnose; plus learned yoga, meditation, about chakras, more on herbs than already, different aspects of the Goddess all during my "down" time) & now a year into my 30's...totally outshines my 20's! Oh, my other accomplishment-I used to be a size 16 in high school then got healthy & by my senior year was a 6 or 8 (depending on brands people) & I was very healthy in diet & exercise. Social life, wine & modeling wore me down a bit a guess, then I got the "syndrome" & had to take pregnazone which bloated me up. I've tried working out & would have 2 good days then be sick & tired a week or two. As of today I've worked out 5 days in a row! I'm an Aries (& redhead, Irish/Scot...) so patience & not overdoing it has been my sticking point & I think I finally found my stride to expound upon! Okay, just had to share all that-I quit keeping a diary when, well, I couldn't use my hand to write or type for a couple months-& then I was just down. Writing this now I'm on the upsfeels great though, so thanks to all who've reached out as I've been homebound so just "here". =)) xoxoxoxo

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