Sticks and Stones

Gifts for Spirit, Mind, Body

It Is Time To Heal With Your Parents – By Star West ★


Today’s reading comes from Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. Click on the picture to see, and notice what comes up for you. Today’s song is: Stuck In A Moment by U2. Right click and click open link in a new tab to listen while you read the message.

Today’s message continues on yesterday’s theme of balancing giving and receiving, which is deeply rooted in your relationship with your Parents. If you are having trouble receiving and accepting loving kindness from others, it could stem from unhealed feelings towards your Mother. She represents the feminine energy of intuition and receiving. Perhaps she was critical of you and on some level, you never feel quite good enough, or worthy to receive or ask for what you need. Your Father, represents the masculine energy of having confidence to take positive action in the world. If you lack confidence and the power to take action, it could stem from unhealed emotions with your Father. So much of your present pain and fear is rooted in childhood and with your Parents. They are God’s representatives for you on Earth, and as such define your relationship with God and yourself. Most of us spend our entire life healing this. If you feel like a victim in your life, it may be because you are still blaming them on some level for your pain. If you feel like this pain is keeping you from your path, know that this is your Path. It may also be helpful to know that these are the lessons you signed up for and the Parents you chose to help you grow your Soul in Love, before you incarnated into this lifetime.  It is important right now to forgive them, and know they truly did the best they could at the time, with their level of knowing and consciousness. If they are in Heaven now, they are sending you love. If you ask, the Angels will help you heal any emotional pain with them. Here’s a prayer you can say:  Guardian Angels of myself and of my Mother and Father, I call upon you now. I ask for your healing Blessings with my internal and external relationship with my Parents. I am willing to release any and all emotional pain associated with my childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. I ask the Angels to help me trade any and all pain for Peace right now. I am so willing and it is time. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. The more you can heal with them and release all pain associated with them, the more love will flow into every area of your life, and the sooner you will realize your dreams. Watch your words and thoughts. Make sure they are positive especially when you are describing your current situation and the way you think and speak about yourself. Your words and thoughts are manifesting into reality very quickly now, so choose consciously. Cancel, clear, and delete all negativity of the past. Continue to call upon Archangel Michael to vacuum any negative energies you may have absorbed and to surround you in white diamond light.

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

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