How I needed to laugh! Have you ever had one of those days (or weeks) when your spirit seems so dampened you can barely find the strength to keep your eyes open, much less actually function? Perhaps work has you stressed or feeling blue. Perhaps your home life has drained your energy. Maybe both! Perhaps other situations have resulted in you feeling about as energetic as stagnant water.
My energy was at its low ebb when I decided to take a little break and start reading a new book by an author I enjoy. It was not substantive reading. It was fun reading - something to entertain, rather than to make me think. When I first started to read, I could barely keep my eyes open. After reading for only a couple of minutes, I was laughing and suddenly had the energy to sit up straight and keep the eyes open. That is when it came to me - I just needed to laugh!
We take life so seriously sometimes that we forget the healing joy of simple laughter. So, I ask you, have you laughed today?
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