You are loved and supported by powerful benevolent loving Beings of light! You are not alone, not ever, and you are always safe. Heaven has heard your prayers and felt your desires for great love, connection, and romance in your life. Follow their specific guidance, no matter how unrelated it may seem, to manifest this love in your life. Heaven is a place where we are all deeply in love with each other all the time. Let’s go there now.
About Star West
Angel Oracle Card Reader & Messenger-- I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly.
Copyright © Star West. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://angelsandstars.wordpress.com
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