Sticks and Stones

Gifts for Spirit, Mind, Body

In astrology, there are certain times when the stars align just right (to use the cliche saying) and a certain planet gets a major power boost.  These moments are called elections, and are perfect for doing enchantments, magic, or worship for a particular force of the cosmos.  This morning I had fun with a really powerful Mercury election involving Mercury exactly conjunct the Sun, and got out a few of my tools and some candles and really took advantage of the ritual.  Since Mercury is among my favorite forces, and Hermes my favorite gods, I decided to take this opportunity to recharge my angelic planetary talisman of Mercury as well as a few crystals (Mercury topazes, fittingly enough) under this influence.  The ritual I used combined divine invocations to Hermes and angelic conjurations of the angel and guiding forces of the sphere of Mercury (ceremonial staples) with some recent tools I developed to harness ambient energy.  Talk about packing a punch! 

Plus, the whole altar looked really cool, and I do love my Mercury incense blend (benzoin, frankincense, clove, nutmeg).  The resulting setup and procedure wasn't strictly ceremonial according to any medieval grimoire or such, but it does show the flavor of Works that I do.

Come and read about my full ritual and see more pictures at my blog, the Digital Ambler:

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