Sticks and Stones

Gifts for Spirit, Mind, Body

New Readers, meetups, and workshops Oh My!

Hello everyone!  Just wanted to say HI and let you know of a few new things going on coming up at the store. 
We have two new readers: Alicia on Saturdays and Sam on Sundays! You can come by and meet them during the "Meet and Greets" we've scheduled:
Meet and Greet with Shaman Alicia Time: July 21, 2012 from 1pm to 3pm
Location: Sticks and Stones
Organized By: Sticks and Stones

Event Description:
We are very excited to announce our newest reader, Shaman Alicia. Come for a (free) meet and greet with her today and get to know her beautiful energy. She will also be available afterwards for private appointments.
Born to a spiritually gifted family in Northeastern Ohio, Shaman Alicia is a third generation Shamanic practitioner.  Each member of her family is a practitioner in their own right.  She is an author, a business consultant and holds two college degrees. Known for her abilities in the communications field, she has worked as an on air television editorialist, radio /television producer and as a manager for a major newspaper. Currently, she produces shows for The Divine Feminine’s Blog Talk Radio Show series featuring topics such as “Have you lived before?” with Dr. Mildred –Past Life regressisionist, Sexual Energy, Energy Medicine, and “When the Angels trouble the waters.” 
Alicia is a founding member of: Divinity Is Eternal, the Divine Feminine and the Alexandria Shamanic Groups. Previously she has worked as a Medium, Intuitive and Certified Healer with The Institute for Spiritual Development in Washington, DC.  She is an energy medicine practitioner and has taught the intuitive arts as well.  She has conducted salon readings, Auric readings and journeyed to the Akashic records hundreds of times.  She regards her work with Angels and spirit guides to be one of the most prophetic relationships one can experience on this earth. 
Her affinity for the Angels has been her life’s purpose.  She is an Angel practitioner and delights in helping others meet and establish personal relationships with their Angels. 
Alicia is available for readings at our store on most Saturdays.
Meet and Greet Sam Block Time: July 29, 2012 from 2pm to 4pm
Location: Sticks and Stones
Organized By: Sticks and Stones

Event Description:
Come out and meet our newest reader, Sam Block! He will spend a couple hours talking about his background and his reading style, and offer mini-readings in the group setting. He is a delight and we are so happy he's decided to join our team!

A little about him: 
Sam Block (polyphanes) is a diviner and magician working in the Western Mystery Tradition. Recently graduated from the University of Virginia as a software engineer, he has a long-standing interest in the classical workings of higher knowledge and focuses his studies on ceremonial magic, geomancy, hoodoo, and applying spiritual philosophy to day-to-day living.  Bringing down-to-earth advice with ancient earth-based divination, Sam can help clear up or calm down any situation.  Sam can also perform cleansing, protection, blessing, and other workings to help you get the results you need when answers alone won't cut it. Local to Fairfax, VA, he's eager to introduce old magic to new souls. 
Tea provided, snacks/donations always welcomed but not required. 
Sam is available for readings on Sunday afternoons and by appointment.
And we are sorry to say that Kevin Baird is moving out of the area. Please come and celebrate with us:
Kevin Baird's Going Away PARTY! Time: July 27, 2012 from 7pm to 9pm
Location: Sticks and Stones
Organized By: Sticks and Stones

Event Description:
Come out and celebrate with us as we say farewell to Kevin Baird!

We will miss him terribly, but we are excited for him starting his new life.

Kevin's been with Sticks and Stones since DAY ONE and not having him here will take some getting used to. 

Bring your favorite "Kevin" story, snacks and gifts for Kevin are welcome but not necessary.

His last Tuesday reading at our store is July 31.
You can see our other readers' bios HERE on our website, call the store for availability and prices.
On Saturday, August 4, NoVa Firefly and Michael Moonsage is hosting their Lughnasadh Ritual at our store - all are welcome!
We have an exciting new meetup scheduled - a Pagan Fiction Book Club, once a month on the third Friday - here's the first meetup description:
Pagan Fiction Book Club Time: August 17, 2012 from 6:30pm to 8pm
Organized By: Leah Ventura

Event Description:
Come join us for a discussion about works of fiction with pagan themes!  Each month we will discuss a different book, and the selections will come from you!  This is a free meetup, and each person is expected to have found the book ahead of time and read it. ( sells millions of used books at super cheap prices) Oh, and snacks are also ALWAYS appreciated! Tea will be provided.
We will not be beholden to reading complete series of books.  The point is to introduce each other to a variety of pagan authors. (But feel free to finish the series of your own accord)
The first book that we'll be discussing is the first book in Cate Tiernan's Sweep series, Book of Shadows.
See you there!
We still have our regular monthly events: Herb of the Month classes, Drum Circles, Tarot Meetups run by the fabulous Tierney, Magickal Practices workshops by Redwolf, and other great events TBA, check our calendar often for new events! Plus we have some great new local artist-made jewelry, local artist-made dreamcatchers, our own made candles, spell kits and charms, locally hand made body products and of course, as always, plenty of Sticks and Stones!
Peace and many blessings to you all... There is no limit to abundance!


Gwendolyn & Bubbles

Sticks and Stones
9970 Main Street
Fairfax, VA 22031

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