Sticks and Stones

Gifts for Spirit, Mind, Body

Set Yourself Free -By Star West ★


Today’s reading comes from Magical Mermaids and Dolphins, by Doreen Virtue. This is a wonderful deck to use for manifesting. Click on the picture to see and notice what comes up for you. Today’s song is “Learn To Be Still” by The Eagles. Right click the link and click open link in a new tab to listen while you read the message.   

You are a giver, and help the world and people in so many ways. It is second nature to you, and you give without even thinking about it. While this is a wonderful way of being, it is also important that you learn to receive and enjoy your life. Release any feelings of guilt, for this is simply part of the old programming and not the new way. When you let others give to you, they experience the joy of giving. You give them a gift by receiving. You also balance the male and female energies within you. Even the simplest gift of receiving is healing, and a powerful step in the manifestation process. It also allows you to be more in synch with the flow of life. It would be helpful for you to spend at least an hour by yourself, in nature or a peaceful place. Relax and breathe. Then ask yourself what you truly want to do next in your life? What is your dream? Write down whatever comes. Then, be willing to step outside your comfort zone and normal routine. Try new things and explore your options. Test the waters and venture out. We are in the midst of The Great Shift, and as such, things that may not have been possible before may be now.

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

If these readings have helped you, please consider making a donation. Thank you and much love! ★

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