Today’s reading comes from: Gateway Oracle Cards by Denise Linn, Archangel Power Tarot Cards, and Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. The wheel spins with the power of life and now turns to bring you amazing opportunities! This is a time of change and stepping outside your comfort zone. The Universe truly wants you to be happy and if your plans are not working, it’s because the Universe has better plans. Be open to unexpected events. Archangel Jeremiel can help you to make these amazing changes and help you to see clearly. Your light is expanding, even as you are reading this. Take time to go within and welcome the light revealing itself to you. Own your radiance, and the rays will expand beyond time and space and bless you with all that you need. Let your light bless the world. Your twin flame is involved with the questions within your heart. They are guiding you from the other side and helping you in all areas of your life. You are never alone and you are always being helped and you are always loved.
I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –
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