Today’s reading comes from the 3 decks of: Indigo Angels, Angel Therapy, and Healing with the Angels. Click on the picture to see clearly and notice what thoughts and feelings come to you.
You are extremely sensitive to energies right now and you can easily absorb negativity from others. This limits your understanding of your amazing life purpose. The Angels are suggesting that you remove yourself from your everyday routine and connect with nature. You are so much more than what you allow yourself to be. Let the Earth heal, cleanse, and ground you. Honor your sensitivity and avoid harsh situations and unhealthy substances. Avoid self-medicating with chemicals, food, or other addictive substances. Deal with your sensitivities in healthier ways. Detoxify from chemicals and unhealthy food. Believe in and trust yourself. You, like everyone, have made mistakes in the past that may have discouraged you. Trust in God and trust in the Angels. Ask them to help you trust yourself.
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