Sticks and Stones

Gifts for Spirit, Mind, Body

  • 46, Female
  • DFW, TX
  • United States
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  • Ed Kaye
  • MisticMorgan
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  • modron whiteraven
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Insomnia sharing on the New Moon in nowhere, TX =))

Posted on August 21, 2009 at 4:50am 0 Comments

Just sending out good vibes cuz I have too many right now! Lol. Seriously, I'm in nowhere, TX (it's close to Ok, Ark & La in that little corner of TX) & it's pitch black after a series of storms (I'm used to city lights) so the energy is beautiful. I'm here helping my mother by making her booty go to the doctor(been years-sigh) & thus brought her groceries, etc. so she can't complain she can't afford it. I know she has a few skin cancers that need be removed-we're redheads-it… Continue

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At 8:14pm on September 6, 2009, modron whiteraven said…
I have a sword called windsong.Mostly a prop for me ,as it is not supposed to be lifted in anger.It is the blue dragon with the pearl.You made need to learn to physically fight one day .I used to d yoga and tai chi.Was back looking at some of castanada's stuff.I am shutting down the many irons in the fire .I know a little about a lot ,but ,not too much on any one thing .hobbies .I have some books ,denoting different crafts with herbs .Maybe later ,I can copy some to the group.Right now I am having issues with my computer .My printer is empty ...blah,blah....I do not know how my son has this thing set up .I should try and learn ne wthings with it .Sometimes thing flow with electronics ,sometimes I will block myself .So much ,going on in my poor head ,all at once .Leaving in the morning .Oldest son being fickle .But ,I know my nephew will be there .I got to be leader of the pack [goddess ,I hate being the leader ],not much of a full time follower ,ither ] lol..But ,for once someone has old granny's back.Ihave not seen my great nephew yet.He is about 6 months old now .So nepehew ,wife ,and 2 great ,nephew and nices making the trip.i got an early rendevous .Trying to get my will focused to leave the temple .I dont know how long I will be gone .Probably back and forth.
Now my daughter has a better hand at her herbs than I do .I was impressed with her herbal gardens .It is osmething she will continue to grow in.She has a large yard as well.
Your staff sounds devine .The empress tree wood is light ,as it is hollow .I am not much for fighting or wanting to harm anyone .I even feel bad if I have an encounter to where Ihave to protect myself .So ,I pray I will not have any reasons to fight physically .Too old anyways .been in some bad fights along the path.But ,you look very young with the red hair and beautiful blue eyes .Were you dark when you were born.That is how I was .My skin is darkening again as I age .Very red with an under tone of yellow .My eyes are the very light glassy blue .With very thick grey bands around the outside ,You look like some of us .I got most of the dirt onto the mound.It will have to wait.Checking the herbs to see what has gone to seeds .Mostly basil .My rosemary grows into large bushes ,mostly .They are not doing well in the back yard .I dug a lot of the old ones up .They say rosemary made into a box to keep your beauty .There must be a way ,because thewood is stemy ,even when it gets about 2 inches in diameter ,prone to splitting and breakage.Now I know of a method of splitting it an dlike thin planks or popsicklish sticks .Tehn some kind of inlay type thing .I had carved a little spoon and put a ribbon throw it and a perido facet.She was delighted andit is an ornament for Christmas tree.So ,will need a lot of imagination.Knowing little or nothing formally of carving.Got a dremil and burning tools .But ,have not been able to focus.Like working with different woods and odd bits and pieces like a collage .Mind not focusing .I have 4 chihuahuas now .Seems like I did not particularly favor the wovine [I am feline in nature ] but ,she latched onto me and I am now covered in living replicas.They are like my children .Deeply love them .She lives in my solar plexas /heart.came off a mountain ,one strange day .been with me ever sense .She is my teacher .Always ,remember you are student and teacher both .And you already know deep within who you are .We have forgotten who we were .so to speak.Well ,some things about herbs hear .promises for more information on some obscure issues .Like the ancinet knowledge ,when it can be verified ....blessed be with hugs .M
At 5:33pm on September 6, 2009, modron whiteraven said…
It might be a very good thing to communicate on the bloodlines .I looked for a long time .All of the royals were kin.How long have you carried the staff.My real one is Pauloweena tomentosa.The tree the phoenix will land in when she comes .According to Chinese lore .I ma working with a witch ,she is o neg.She really has a story to tell.I am just not good at 3d communication any longer.I am using rootballs .Some of the honeysuckle to dig up .Thinking of making them into Christmas decoration.Got some huge rosemary roots.waiting for the cooler weather to start messing with the wood .
I love these recipes on here .I am going to a Mormon lady to have a reading done .She was almost dead and in a wheel chair .Had this machine [my teacher has one .] that reads the electrical impulses of the meridians via the fingertips .She has vitmins and mineral supplements which are lifesaving .
Has anyone ever sat with a plant and had the plant heal them spiritually ?had a strange experience in the yard .my friend sees the elves and fairies here .She said they were all over .I have some plants ,I can not identify.I guess everything is dying down fairly much now .Some more ideas for next year.Got lots of cone flowers spreading .the rosemary grows big here .I am just amazed at the effect the aphids have had on the ground to produce plants.Used to have lots of flowers everywhere .Will have to finish when I get back .I may or may not be gone for a while .
Will have to finish the mound when I return.Getting ready for tomorrow .Looks like this is going to be a really busy group.Smiles and hugs .Modron
At 6:51am on September 6, 2009, modron whiteraven said…
Email me anytime ,sis about the genealogy.Some of it is still being debated between my ambedextrious subconscious .But ,the answer is there clearly enough to see.Studying a book called Standing with stones .Looks as if ,these areas are universal .We got to fort mountain sometimes .There is a 1000 year old [or older ] building there ,where it is said a welshman built it ....Not far from here .Amazing the mountains I used to climb when I was a child ,have now left me far behind in my ability to keep up.Fort Mountain is a strange place .One of the portals we have here .The buzzards are kings of th emountain in these days .Alarming .The last set of Keiths is as well ,set far into the past.The Keith's were doing some heavy breeding with the Bruces.Much love to all .Modron
At 6:15am on March 20, 2009, Sticks and Stones said…


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