Sticks and Stones

Gifts for Spirit, Mind, Body

Kevin Baird
  • Falls Church, VA
  • United States
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  • Bob Hickman, Psychic-Medium
  • Animal Teachers (Va. Carper)
  • Gwendolyn

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When he was 4 or 5 years of age, his parents would many times find him speaking with a group of adults at different places in his neighborhood. When his parents found him, they were greeted with, "Who is this curious child who speaks to us as if he were an adult himself?" Those were safer times than today.

The whole of his family soon heard about him, that the "gifted" members of his family began schooling him on the areas of their abilities. His dad's mom, taught him about the art of "Seeing" -receiving advice about that which goes unknown. She explained further that her father had the same gift. Kevin's mom's father schooled him on working with the elements, primarily, dowsing for water. This grandfather in the early 1900's earned a living helping new land owners find underground springs where wells could dug. Kevin spoke of a time where he remembered witnessing his grandfather using a Y-shaped stick and how it wiggled as a fishing pole would with a fish at the other end.

As Kevin grew older and spending more time in school, so did he take what he was being taught at home to school as well. This, however,was not received well and the PTA meetings had discussion of Kevin's imagination in question and how he should focus on school work. With that, his parents stopped the family from teaching Kevin what they knew. Kevin persisted with what he thought was normal and assumed everyone else had it as well. Teachers and Principals complained and this brought about a series of beatings until Kevin stopped with the crazy imagination stuff. The focus was school work!

At 13 years of age hormones kicked in and he put his shunned conduct to rest. Girls were now top of the list of interests.

At 17 years, Kevin joined the Army. His gift began to show itself, but now older, Kevin saw it as a knack for doing something and so did his superiors. During Kevin's last tour in the Army, he worked for a Sargent-Major who called him Radar, after the character in the TV show M.A.S.H. He, as Radar saw known for, having things before they were asked for. This 'knack' got him promoted to the Post Commander's admin office, where it was discovered by his fellow soldiers, that every time Kevin would put in for vacation, months in advance, so during his away time would a surprise inspection of the Office, or the Ammo storage facility lost power and a 24-hour guard had to be posted. It got to where the people working around him would plan for trouble during Kevin's away time.

Kevin met his wife towards the end of his tour in the Army and after some years of living in the city, they moved to Front Royal. There Kevin was finding him well established in preparing for a family of his own and growing in the Corporate world. Then in the Fall of 1995, between September 15th and October 15th, Kevin got into a series of car accidents, 5 to be exact. The insurance company threatened to drop him if any more accidents happened. The strange thing is that all the accidents were from people hitting him and not him causing the accidents.

It was at this point that Kevin bought three cases of beer and kept the Pizza delivery place on speed dial while he camped out in his basement and trying to sort out what the hell was going on. What he determined is that he should stop everything he was doing and wait to see what happened next. He then started doing a lot of hiking in the mountains. With each hike, the old ways, from when he was a child, began to return.

Kevin, realized that now was the time to return to his knack and that the car accidents was caused by the world of spirit trying to get through to his numb senses. With the return to this path, Kevin began to change and his awareness grew. And as he changed, so he did change from being the man that his wife married. Three years later, they were divorced.

Today, Kevin has kept his corporate job, because that is how he sustains his life and to remain connected to the population.

Kevin uses the Tarot to dial a connection to the world of spirit for those who sit before him looking for the meaning of current events and a look ahead to upcoming events in the next ninety days so that plans can be made for when the events occur. Ten minutes with Kevin can get you enough information to last you a life-time.

Proof of mediumship:

--- On Fri, 12/5/08, V E wrote:

From: VE
Subject: Re: The Knowledge Tree
Date: Friday, December 5, 2008, 3:44 PM

"yo-yo" is part of the phrase. "do rei ca yooooooo" One would be chanting these words, when their love one has passed. Like you said, "sounds like they are singing". Thats exactly what it is....... OMG, You are incredible, amazing, awesome...... shall I continue..???.. cause I could......... :) To show my gratitude and appreciation, allow me to owe you a feast!!!

See ya next week...

----- Original Message ----- From: "Kevin Baird"
To: "VE"
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2008 12:04 PM
Subject: Re: The Knowledge Tree

What does the "yo-yo" mean?

--- On Thu, 12/4/08, VE wrote:
From: VE>
Subject: Re: The Knowledge Tree
Date: Thursday, December 4, 2008, 8:06 PM

Thank you Kevin, I wasn't expecting a response. OMG, as I was reading your second sentence, I knew exactly who you were ddressing. "This is my validation. "
You know, "do rei ca yo" means "One has returned where One came from" or " Wishing One to have a safe journey back home".After attending the trance channeling session, I remember Rose telling us to pray for those who are here
and for those who has crossed over. Since then, I have been praying for my father and as well as for others. I believe the prayers was received and he is telling me, he is free and well.

Wow, Wow, and Wow I'm speechless!!! It doesn't surprise me that you have the ability to pick up foreign languages but I'm amazed. "do rei ca yo" message is received with much love.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin
To: "VE"
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: The Knowledge Tree

The person sitting with me is someone you know who has passed away. They were bad to you during your growing up years and now they feel sorry for it. Their name may mean free in Korean language...I'm getting a "do re ca yo-yo" Sounds like they are

--- On Thu, 12/4/08, VE wrote:

From: VE
Subject: The Knowledge Tree
Date: Thursday, December 4, 2008, 11:44 AM

Hi Kevin,

I thought that U may appreciate the beauty and he essence of the Tree.

By the way, U were in my dream last night.

Allow me to share the details. In my dream u were giving a reading to someone, I did not recognize or knew this individual. I was standing nearby and notice that U were writing a message.

The writing was very clear, vivid and fresh. As U finished writing it, U then showed it to me. I got a very strong sense, being told to look at the letters and remember it and pass it on. U wrote on a white sheet of paper in black ink,
the word...... f r e e .......

As I feel clueless and a bit silly but I'm getting a strong nudge... I'm being told to share this info...


Dear Kevin,

Last July you did a reading for me in Leesburg. At the end you asked me to
provide you some feedback on how it turned out. Didn't forget about that... and wanted to get back to you. What follows are the notes I took after your reading along with a description of what came to pass. Reading by Don Baird, Seer
July 12, 2008

1. Dropped card, job promotion
2. Hug from spirit. Someone in spirit is happy that we have reached a milestone in our relationship.
3. You do something with the government?. Dreams becoming reality…will be very interesting times in the next 90 days. Money coming from unexpected source. Something you have been thinking about will come into fruition. People will seek you out for information/gift. It could be a new large contract, or some other significant opportunity that comes about. Happiness in what you are doing. Oxygen will be so rich, or thin, in flux, but you will slow down your
breathing. Know that Everything will work out.
4. Two angels protecting you, perhaps your parents in spirit. A situation coming that will (may) bring extreme changes. You will both pull though it together. Maybe start doing something else. Will pull through a dramatic situation at work? Will be fine by Christmas. A second wind in our relationship.

5. Very positive increase in income. Make an audit or assessment? Or something to do with an audit or assessment? Going with what works.

6. Moving to a new place to work or moving to a new neighborhood?

7. Drama end of August into beginning of September. This will carry you to the next phase or place?

8. People you know will be dropping out of place or position so there will be a lot of opportunity that did not exist before.

9. The belt tightening will pay off by Christmas, with a feeling of relief. Hang in there. Keep your eye on the prize. Look for the tangible, dismiss hearsay. Pay attention to those who work rather than those who just talk and suppose.

10. Get back to Don with results on this. He would like to know.

Dream, July 13, 2008, near morning

I was at a gathering having to do with work. It was outside, a large group of coworkers. There was a new president or board member involved. G. F. was sitting on a picnic bench off to the right. He said something to me about how good L?? was as I was passing him. I agree and said that is why I have stayed so long. We are alone. He says he wants to go for a walk and smoke a cigar and asks me to come along. I agree. I have the feeling he is hiding his
smoking from everyone else, including his family, but he just admits it to me. Later…I am inside the L?? building and planning to move my office next to his. Some others at L?? seem upset, or jealous at this. I don’t worry about it.

I don’t need to interpret this now. It is what it is and will prove itself useful and true as thing play out at L??.

1. Hasn't happend yet, but is emminent.

2. Yes. My (explicitive) boss resigned, before she was fired (in September). Lots of changes. All for the good.

3. Yes. I am Executive Director of a government consulting firm. Lots of positive changes and energy since item 2 occured. The items you mention regarding advice, etc.. all very true.

4. Yes. We got throuth it.

5. Not sure about this one. May be emminent.

6. I keep having dreams about this, but it hasn't happened yet.

7. Yes. Major changes took place in August, September regarding work.

8. Yes. This is still unfolding.

9. Understand this now. Makes sense with what has been and is still happening.

10. Per this email.

Regarding the dream I had the day following the reading. We went through a very long process to find a new CEO, several months since your reading, we found a new CEO. His name is N. F. I guess I was close?

Anyway, just wanted to get back to you as I promised. Overall: you were pretty dead on, but I think you may have known that at the time.

Thanks for the sage advice. It was most useful and helped guide me as things unfolded.


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Kevin Baird's Blog

His Grace, Bob Hickman...on July 12th

Posted on June 27, 2009 at 7:48am 0 Comments


His Grace, Bob Hickman’s, will be conducting a spirit circle on the 12th at Sticks and Stones, once in a lifetime event for some. I can tell you why: We are in a time for learning hard lessons. Our angels are working as tutors to help us through this semester of learning. The problem for all of us is that when we get caught up in the drama of the situations our emotions cloud our thinking that would guide us to resolutions. Bob’s gift as a psychic medium has the ability to… Continue

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At 4:32pm on June 19, 2009, Bob Hickman, Psychic-Medium said…
Hey Rev. Kev! Good to see you here!

At 9:18am on May 31, 2009, Gwendolyn said…
It is wonderful to see you here! Welcome my friend.


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