Sticks and Stones

Gifts for Spirit, Mind, Body

Beginner Astrology Classes Starting August 1!

 ‘The time has come,’ the walrus said, ‘to talk of many things: Of shoes, and ships – and sealing wax – and cabbages and kings.’ – Lewis Carroll

After long last, good people, and your many requests, Beginner Astrology is going live!

It’s been many years since I’ve offered an in-person class on astrology, much less a series. But finally, everything came together!

I’m teaching beginner astrology in person at Sticks & Stones in Fairfax, VA, on Sunday afternoons from 4:30-6:30pm. “What is Astrology, Part 1” will happen on Sunday, August 1, with other classes following approximately every two weeks. Each class is $40 and there are no pre-requisites.

I’ll list the schedule below; you’ll only see the first nine classes on the schedule at the moment, but of course, others will follow. My general plan is to offer basic classes on each planet, sign, and house eventually. As the name implies, the class is for those new to astrology, but all are welcome!

To register, please contact Sticks & Stones via phone at 703-342-2343, or email them at

I look forward to seeing many of you for what will be an excellent introduction to the study of astrology!

Sunday, August 1—What is Astrology, Part 1

Sunday, August 15—What is Astrology, Part 2

Sunday, September 19—The Astrological Sun, Part 1

Sunday, October 3—The Astrological Sun, Part 2

Sunday, October 17—The Astrological Moon, Part 1

Sunday, November 7—The Astrological Moon, Part 2

Sunday, November 21—Mercury and Retrogrades, Part 1

Sunday, December 5—Mercury and Retrogrades, Part 2

Sunday, January 2, 2021—Venus, Planet of Love and Money, Part 1

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