Sticks and Stones

Gifts for Spirit, Mind, Body

Can I have a do-over? Take a Mulligan? Go to Take Two?

I know, it's a cliche, but "Haven't I met you somewhere before?" comes out of my mouth when I meet certain people. Or I enter into a friendship or relationship and it feels like I've been with this person forever when it's only been days or weeks. Then there are those people who I have known forever & just know too much about to attribute to this lifetime alone.

I've had conversations with a couple of friends about this. It's interesting to hear what others share about their experiences. Okay, I'm trying to sound too esoteric ... Really I'm just trying to start a conversation to hear what other people have experienced because the prospect of soul-retries fascinates me!

A good friend discovered her wiccan roots in recent years. She also started having "memories" of past lives - and really cool stuff happened for her in those prior times! One point came through loud and clear. Her son has been with her before.

She has three children - okay, offspring ... one's already graduated college! Anyway ... her second child was planned, and that was to be it. Of course, the third child came into the picture without her "permission", if you will. This young man is way too wise, way too mature in some ways. And she & her son have always clicked in a way that she didn't with the first two -- not that they were any less special -- just in a different way. And the youngest appeared in her "memories" as far back as what we refer to as "Egyptian" times.

When I took level one Reiki in 2000, the class leader affirmed that not only had all of us in the class (ten? twelve?) known each other *and* all been healers in past lives, but that this was the first class she'd held where it was *all* students -- not just a few!

Mom & Dad may actually have gotten it right this time - and I'm sure this isn't their first time around. They put a lot into it after both being trapped in emotional isolation. There were a lot of stumbles, several falls, and even a few cliffs to hang over. It was years in the making, and they at the very least tolerate each other -- or rather, they've learned to allow each to be who they are "supposed" to be. That's a tough road, and a major accomplishment! Gwendolyn will probably have something to add about our parents - I think she agrees with me.

I also believe that Gwennie has gotten it all right this time with her husband. That "tolerance", for lack of a better word, for who each other is, the support they give each other ... a lot of people wish they could *attain* that level of comfort, much less *maintain* it!

Me? Well, there's one that I'm certainly on reruns with (we're much better at friendship!). And then there's one that I believe is the first time around, but is probably the first of many yet to come! (OHHHHHH NOOOOOO!!!)

Children ... I wonder sometimes who the parent was and who the child was! It often seems that the child is the older soul - the one who has been there, done that - while the parent isn't so "soul"-ly mature.

Now *that's* a topic for conversation! OK, next time.


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Comment by Sharianna on November 2, 2009 at 8:39am
"Compromise" *is* a much better word for you & yours! My brain was unable to find words without aid of a thesaurus! With M&D, I think both compromise & tolerance are appropriate terms -- but there's more tolerance than compromise with them ...

I started to put a smiley face after that, but after thinking about it, it's not really a tongue-in-cheek statement. Truth ... what a concept.
Comment by Gwendolyn on October 30, 2009 at 5:25pm
Thanks for this post - it really got me thinking, and it coincides with some recent and not-so-recent thoughts of mine....

One of my favorite theories that helps me explain (deal with) things that people go through together.... is that before we incarnate, we make agreements with each other on what we will experience. Kind of like a board game - 'this time I want to be the shoe, and you can be the hat....' Sometimes the agreements are difficult, but I think we make them in order to learn and grow as spiritual beings having a human experience. These thoughts are coming up in my life a lot lately, especially when I see people struggling with physical ailments, living through painful conflicts, and the one that should never happen - parents burying their children.

In my mind, it's not so much 'toleration' as it is compromise, and respect for allowing each other to be true to themselves as an individual (outside of couple-dom.) Does that make sense?

Comment by Sharianna on October 30, 2009 at 2:36pm
One additional thought on M & D: I'm not sure if the "toleration" extends to themselves as much as it does to one another. If that makes any sense.

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