Two different situations over the weekend made me think about people and relationships. Tying it into last week's post, people come into our lives for a reason, and we often need a kick in the buns to learn the lesson they bring to us.
Story #1
One of my karaoke regulars asked me why I wasn't married ... of course he was trying to hit on me. My immediate, smart-aleck response was "No one is good enough!" along with an evil laugh as I swaggered away. He looked shocked and tried to look hurt ... it really came out of the blue -- my answer, not his question -- even *I* was shocked! So I went back to him and said that it was really because no one could put up with me.
Hmmmm ... was my first answer the truth or just a great comeback to an unwelcome advance?
Story #2
A new friend came into my life when she started dating a guy I know. "S" & I hit it off immediately (smart-alecks attract, you know), and our little 'family' accepted her with no hesitation. The guy in question, "T", is a really sweet guy.
Building a relationship is tough work -- even matches made by the stars need special attention to get the basics laid out. This isn't news to any of us, and we all know it applies to any type of relationship - lover, friend, family, work.
We all thought this was a great match - T being such a sweetheart, and S turning out to be a perfect swatch on our cosmic quilt. Of course, a month into it, the realities become evident -- S realizes that T isn't such a wonderful mate for her. S & I talked a lot about how to handle things, what would happen if she broke it off, etc. And of course, with the full moon so close, most of last week was turbulent for them. She finally hit the wall Saturday. She'd been chewing on it for a couple weeks, but his behavior that night was over the top and certainly a 2x4 upside her head that this man was not who or what she wants nor needs.
Anyhow, long story short, I have this new friendship that happened because of a doomed relationship. And I watched two evolutions -- one resulting in a birth, the other a death. One could not have happened without the other.
(ps: T is still our friend)

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