Sticks and Stones

Gifts for Spirit, Mind, Body

Free Will vs. Fate - Why I'm NOT the Palmist who Predicts the Future

This debate - free will versus fate is as old as the ancient traditions I figure.

It comes up regularly when people find out that my source of income is derived from reading people's hands to help them leap into their exceptional life.


There are those that tell me, "I'd never want to know what my future holds, don't look at my hands!" and those that stick their hands in my face, inches from my nose and insist, "So what do you see?  Am I going to be rich?!"


Neither has it right.


Your  hands are a microcosm of you.  They are ever-changing and full of the energy of where you are right now in your life. 


The ability to discern the future from your hands is limited to successfully surmising where you're likely to  "end up" based on where your energy and concentration is at any moment.


For example, your best friend of 7 years is a funny, vivacious and outgoing woman.  She's got a slew of insecurities (like the rest of us) that she does her best to hide and whenever she meets a guy she falls heels over head, insisting that he is the ONE.


The thing is,  her guys have a look and a theme.  They are NOT ever the one and YOU have become exasperated trying to figure out how to tell her this without hurting her feelings.


When she meets the newest guy and calls you, gushing about the way he struts onto his Harley and brashly proclaims her hotness, your heart sinks.  You know where this romance is heading and you wonder if you can bear to watch.


Are you predicting the future when you make the assumption that this Harley man isn't going to last in your friend's life?  Or are you simply following your hunch based on a historical pattern and the empirical evidence?


That's the way much of the information in your hands work.  The patterns of energy you're expending about whatever is worrying you -- is in your  hands.  My intuition insists that I share with you ways that your current energy is working and the way various situations are likely to play out.


Still, that's never the only possible outcome.


Just as your friend has the ability to do some inner work and change her M.O. when it comes to men - and change the outcome one and for all.  You have complete free will to change your own energetic patterns to move in a new and more vibrant direction. 


It's not easy to change, but it's possible.  Your hands show you the easiest way to shift and change, but they are not going to stop you from sticking with what you've always done either.


What about you -- do you think you've got free will or is everything on your path completely pre-determined?



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