Sticks and Stones

Gifts for Spirit, Mind, Body

There's a bit of education that happens when people come to me for a reading.  See, I'm not a predictive palmist.  While that's what you may have been expecting based on the prevalence of the neon-lighted readers and TV, that's just not who I am.  Frankly, most people are relieved once they hear that.


Don't you feel empowered knowing that you have free will and that your actions and thoughts can literally change the direction of your life (and the world)?!


This doesn't mean that you have to travel the journey alone.  No matter how strong and self-sufficient we are, we all need teachers and guidance and inspiration.  That's where your hands come in.


When you're experiencing a physical or other health-related challenge, look to your hands for insight and ideas so that you can be part of your own healing team.  When you become intimately involved with the messages your body is sending, you become a powerhouse in your own healing and growth.


Where to look?


It depends on the issue, of course, but take into consideration that all physical maladies are an expression of a spiritual, emotional or intellectual challenge as well.  When we ignore the learning we're meant to to do on our path, eventually the nudges from the Universe to pay attention are going to manifest in stronger and more apparent ways.


Here's a few places to examine:


  1. Your pinkies are one of the centers of the healer energy in your hands.  In palmistry we refer to them as Mercury.  I look to your pinkies to tell me how comfortable you are facing your own challenges and how willing you are to do the hard work to heal yourself and transmute your challenges and fears into  something worthwhile and healing.  When you do this inner work you begin to see change.  So are your pinkies looking isolated (perhaps like they're falling off your hands)?  Are they leaning back, maybe at the middle knuckle as though they are trying to back out of the hand altogether?  What about lines and marking on or around one or both pinkies?  All of these can lead us into a thoughtful discussion of your healing needs.
  2. The space between your thumb and first finger.  Often we identify an energy leak in this zone.The leak shows up when that area seems flaccid or papery thin or otherwise emaciated compared to the rest of the palmar surface.  This energy leak shows exhaustion and leads to a discussion about burning the candle at both ends.  We might focus on why you are "doing doing doing" instead of being.  What might you be running from or avoiding?  Examining this is a great first step in getting clarity around your healing needs.
  3. Your life line.  Contrary to urban myth, your life line doesn't tell you when you're going to die.  (Remember you have free will and at any time you can make lifestyle changes and choices that extend or shorten the quality and quantity of your life expectancy.)  Your life line does indicate how fully you're enjoying and experiencing your life at this moment.  Breaks or chains or other divots in or crossing your life line are indicators that you may be pushing too hard, trying to live "two lives" or otherwise not honoring the needs of your body - proper sleep, food and exercise.  When we review your life line we'll spend time talking about what it would take to find more joy in your body, right now.

These are just starting points and places that we'd begin to look to help you guide yourself (along with the proper care from your medical and holistic practitioners) to vibrant health and wellness.


Want to learn more? Be sure to come by the Open House Meet and Greet at Sticks and Stones on October 8th from 1-3!




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