Sticks and Stones

Gifts for Spirit, Mind, Body


Today’s reading comes from Magical Unicorns Oracle Cards By Doreen Virtue. If you are feeling stuck right now and like you could go in several different directions, then you need to make some clear decisions about what you truly want. Decisions are magical, because they get things moving. Try on the different options in your mind and see how each makes you feel. Which choice makes your heart sing? Ask your Angels,  guides, friends, and experts for advice. Ultimately, however, it is your choice alone to make. Remember if it doesn’t work out, you are always free to choose again. You are gifted, highly intelligent, creative, and wise. You are different from most people, you learn differently, and process differently. In the past, you may have been very misunderstood by people. You have many gifts to share, and now is your time. Happiness is simpler than it seems, it comes from thinking happy thoughts. Can you remember a time when you felt truly happy, loved, and safe? Go there now. Your happiness lifts up the world.

I am available for private readings. If you would like to schedule one, or have any questions or comments whatsoever, please use the form on my contact page to contact me directly –

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