Gifts for Spirit, Mind, Body
Hey all! Sorry about letting several weeks go past without a Geomantic Forecast, but I've been busy (read: lazy + traveling). All the same, I hope the past few weeks have gone well for you, especially now that the weather is cooling down and Samhain/Hallowe'en is almost here! Here's your weekly geomantic forecast from October 14 through October 21. The Mothers for this week were Sorrow, the Lesser Fortune, the Head of the Dragon, and Sorrow, which show that:
Overall: Things are good all around, but a little slow for comfort. Everyone's enjoying the weather, each others' company, and local events, so feel free to join in and share in the pleasant atmosphere! Just don't get caught up by how busy or dark things may seem, since this is an easy time to get into a funk as well. Things are indeed busy, but it's more planning for the months and year ahead for anything; temper those mental obligations with physical handiwork and you'll be fine.
Finances and Stuff: Things are okay, but don't go crazy. Now's a good time to start saving and making do with what you have instead of trying to reach for more. This is a good time for being thrifty and pinching pennies; this is a bad time to start gambling or making decisions with investments. Calm down and hold your horses with any speculative ventures you may have for a better time. Look to your savings for any financial help you may need.
Local and Home: Things look good but slow in your local area. New neighbors or events are a good thing to welcome, though your home might be a little dark and busy. This is a good time to make progress on housework and menial chores, especially if you've been putting off or worrying about fall cleaning for the holidays.
Fun, Love, and Luxury: Your friends and partners are all very calm and relaxed right now, and it'd do you good to do the same! Have them over for small get-togethers, coffeeshop chats, and other low-key things. Be careful with going to any parties or going out on the town, since you might risk having a drink too many and in too bad a mood.
Health: Health conditions are flexible and changeable, mostly towards the better, but look out for any belly or intestinal problems this week. Try not to spend too much time outside, especially if you have allergies or are prone to stress.
Weather: Things can get a little damp despite being sunny, so be sure to stay dry and warm indoors and out this week. Don't breathe too deep outside, especially if you have allergies, since this might really affect your health.
Learning and Spirituality: Now's a good time to get started with putting lessons to work more than anything! Focus on the low-level or hard-number sides of things, which will have a strong benefit later in the month. Hitting the books for midterms is going to be a fight, but you'll do well if you approach it headlong (and with an extra cup or four of coffee).
If you've got any questions, feel free to let me know, or feel free to let me know how the week actually goes for you in the comments! If you're interested in geomancy or getting a reading, come visit me at Sticks and Stones on Sunday afternoons, when I do readings for the local community and anyone who stops by. I'm also open for appointments, too, most days of the week.
Also, because I have no shame, come by on Sunday October 28 for my class on an ancient Egyptian ritual called "the Headless Rite"! I'm really excited about this class, and this is a fantastic ritual of empowerment and light that we can all use as we head into the dark of the year.
© 2025 Created by Gwendolyn.
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