Sticks and Stones

Gifts for Spirit, Mind, Body

Your Geomantic Forecast, 11/4 through 11/11

Hey all!  Hope you've been well this past week.  Here's your weekly geomantic forecast from November 4 through November 11.  The Mothers for this week were Joy, the Dragon's Head, the Dragon's Head, and Loss, which show that:

Overall: Lots of thinking and sorting things out will help bring things to a quick end and definitive close.  Thinking things through, though not an active thing, is still enough to tidy up affairs and lay them to rest, though this might lead to confusion and loose ends coming back into the fray later on if not brought into real physical action later.  Lots of discussion and chatting with others will play an immense role in affairs this week, even though one may feel overly trapped and tied down from the world.

Finances and Stuff: Things look good on paper for accounts and possessions, and you may see new opportunities for material growth and expansion.  Despite that, it's not a good time for investments: hold on to what you have and don't let them go, if you have any; now is not a good time for making any speculative ventures or gambles!

Local and Home: New events abound in the local neighborhood, so figure out what's going on locally and seeing what's up with parties and fun.  However, you might stand to lose something from your own home in the process, so it's a good week to hit the thrift stores to get rid of old clothes and the hidden treasures dug up from fall cleaning.  Take your time outside, but now's a good time to work frantically inside.

Fun, Love, and Luxury: Now's not a good time to go out for fun, and you might be too obliged with other matters to go out, anyway.  That said, starting up something romantic this week is a definite possibility through perhaps an indirect or sly route.  Friends and colleagues may be inclined to travel, especially to college or rather far away places, so unless you're in the mood for a road trip, you might not see them that much this week.

Health: Things don't seem too bad this week, though you may find increased attention paid to health and discussions thereof this week.  Keep an eye on your intestines, belly, and hands if you have any preexisting conditions with them.

Weather: Clear and wholesome weather is the norm for this week, as well as fair air to breathe.  Might have to fight with the outside world a bit, though, so keep careful when you have to wander outside!

Learning and Spirituality: Lots of travel and exploration mentally and spiritually is signified this week, so definitely let your mind wander! Consider viewpoints, traditions, and philosophies utterly and exotically different from what you're used to, and talk with your friends about them and what you think of them.  Astral travel, meditation, and shaking things up in your practice is perfect.

If you've got any questions, feel free to let me know, or feel free to let me know how the week actually goes for you in the comments!  If you're interested in geomancy or getting a reading, come visit me at Sticks and Stones on Sunday afternoons, when I do readings for the local community and anyone who stops by.  I'm also open for appointments, too, most days of the week; just call the store and ask for when I'm available!

I also teach classes at Sticks and Stones on a variety of topics from time to time, ranging from divination to details on magical practice and philosophy, so keep up to date and drop in on Sunday afternoons!

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