Sticks and Stones

Gifts for Spirit, Mind, Body

Your Geomantic Forecast, 10/28 through 11/4

Hey all!  Hope you've been well this past week.  Here would normally your weekly geomantic forecast from October 28 through November 4, except there are a few other things I'd like to mention this time around:

  • According to traditional geomantic lore and methodology, it's bad form to do divination with times of extreme or troubled weather.  Just as one shouldn't do divination when one is upset or emotionally excitable, one shouldn't also be using an earth-based form of divination when the earth and the environment in upheaval.
  • In case you haven't noticed, we've got a doozy of a storm coming our way.  You may have heard of it, along with a number of canceled flights, school and work closings, and lots of weather emergency warnings.

To that end, I want you all to be safe this week, and be sure you've prepared yourselves well.  You don't need to stock up on months' worth of water (so let that next person in the store have those two last gallons of water, you don't need another 18 more anyway).  Just be sure you've got extra batteries and candles and matches/lighters, nonperishable foodstuff that needs minimal to no cooking (nuts, dried fruits, crackers, and snacks are perfect for this), and that you've got sufficient weatherproofing and stabilizing of your home set up.  If you've got any artwork or books you've been meaning to get through, now's a fantastic time to do it!  Be sure to charge any electronics you may have, and stock up on spare rechargable batteries if you can.  Move your cars and any other valuable movable property away from trees, telephone poles, and the like to reduce the risk of damage to them.

This will not be the end of the world (that's supposedly slated for later this year) so you don't need to prepare for the zombie apocalypse (unless that's your thing), but do play it safe.  I'm looking forward to seeing you all alive and well next week!

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