Sticks and Stones

Gifts for Spirit, Mind, Body

This month began the New Moon Cycle of Belili, Sumerian White Goddess. Beli "white," bellus "beautiful," bile "sacred tree." Originally, every tree was hers, but above all she was known as a willow goddess, and also of wells, springs, love, and the underworld. Her shrine is Stonehenge. Sabian names: Bel, Jupiter, Oak; Beltis, Venus, Apple. Her affiliation is with the letter S, saille, the WILLOW; MONDAY, MOON. 

On April 15 we enter the Month of the WILLOW tree  Salix alba
Tree of Enchantment, Tree of Witcheries
Fifth month of the Celtic Tree calendar, 
April 15th - May 12th
Fifth consonant of the Ogham alphabet - Saille
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Symbolism: Resonance and Harmony
Stone: Moonstone
Birds: Hawk, Snowy Owl
Color: Silver
Deity: PersephoneHecate, Cerridwen, 
Artemis, Selene, Luna, Diana, Brigit
Sabbat: Beltane
Herb of the Month: MARSH MALLOW
I know an herb that sooths and heals... It is Marsh Mallow!
Can be used in powder form... It is Marsh Mallow!
With a demulcent here, And a diuretic there. 
Here a root, There a leaf, Both are used for relief.
I know an herb that sooths and heals... It is Marsh Mallow! 

Hand made leather bound Journals are in! We also have beautiful Peter Stone Jewelry, cauldrons, and some fun new bumper stickers.  
And there's been much merrymaking and prosperity flowing... with new workshop presenters and amazing classes offered, new Readers, plus great meet-ups! Please take a moment to look over our calendar. 
You can click on any of the links for more info and to sign up for events:

 April 10 Sunday Kitchen Witchery from 2pm to 4pm – You’ve heard the term, what does it mean? Come join us for a brief introduction to the path of Kitchen Witchery….its more than you think it is! Learn a few tips, tricks, spells, magick and helpful hiOrganized by Professor Bubbles | Type: workshop

April 15 Friday Telepathy/Understanding psychic connections/Psychic Borders from 7pm to 9pm – Telepathy is a form of communication that is used by us all.  Some of this communication is perceived, but the vast majority of it occurs on an unconscious level.  This class teaches you how to accesOrganized by Mary Phelan | Type: workshop

April 16 Saturday Two Special Guest Readers: R. Neville Johnston and Mary Phelan from 12pm to 4pm – Please stop by for the opportunity to meet these two amazing people who are changing lives in our community by sharing practical information, such as banishing fear, releasing guilt, meditation, breOrganized by Mary Phelan and R. Neville Johnston | Type: readers

April 16 Saturday Ethics in Magical Practices from 6pm to 8pm – One of the questions we are regularly asked is “When is it appropriate or inappropriate to perform magic?”  In this class we will discuss a number of scenarios in which performing magic for yourselfOrganized by Redwolf | Type: workshop 

April 17 Sunday The Path tarot meetup - Death from 2pm to 4pm – Is my life dramatically changing? Do I suddenly not care about being vegan? Did I just realize that my favorite TV show has some of the worst writing on television? Do you suddenly find bald men enteOrganized by Darren Bu Care | Type: meetup

April 17 Sunday Introduction to Palmistry from 4:30pm to 6:30pm – Come join us for an amazing look at the lines, mounts, and all the other incredibly in depth aspects of your hand on Palm Sunday with the art of Vedic Palmistry!   Instructor: Darren Bu Care Course FOrganized by Darren Bu Care | Type: workshop

April 22 Friday Meditation: An introduction from 6pm to 8pm – Meditation is a useful tool both for magical practice and helping to lead a healthy lifestyle.In this class we will discuss when it is most useful to use meditation as a method of stress reduction, mOrganized by Redwolf | Type: workshop

April 24 Sunday WE ARE CLOSED all day – We will be busy running through the woods chasing rabbits with Diana.   Enjoy your Sunday! See you Tuesday!

April 30 Saturday Jewelry by Sherry Lynn! from 1pm to 6pm – Jewelry by Sherry Lynn Spectacular One-Day Sale! Saturday, April 30 1 pm to 6 pm One-of-a-kind handmade custom jewelry from semi-precious gemstones and earth elements. Bracelets, necklaces, watches,Organized by Sherry Lynn| Type: trunkshow

May 1 Sunday Psychic readings with Maureen from 2pm to 5pm – Today Maureen will be available for psychic consultations. Call for an appointment and pricing. For 25 years Maureen has consulted on police cases, advised NASA scientists Type: readings

May 3 Tuesday Four Week Past Life / Between Life Workshop - Part 1 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm – May 3, 10, 17, 24 at 6:30 pm   Have you had insights into your previous incarnations, dreams, spontaneous visions? In this series you will see for yourself events from your past lives and more over h Organized by R. Neville Johnston | Type: workshop

Every Wednesday The Natural Witch Series with GrannyMoon - 10 Weeks of Crystals from 5:30pm to 7pm – Instructor: GrannyMoon Course Fee: $10 Healing Arts and Pagan Studies

First Thursday of Every Month The Great Council of the Grandmothers from 6:30pm to 8pm – Imagine a world of perfect balance, peace and progress for ourselves, our planet and future generations. This is what The Grandmothers are here to help us achieve. Come join us, meet The GrandmothersOrganized by Professor Bubbles | Type: meetup

First Friday of Every Month Drum Circle! from 7pm to 9pm – Join us and be welcome as we get together and drum, shake rattle and roll once a month with Alexes Pereira! There is a place for beginners and experienced drummers in our circle. We will attempt to brOrganized by Alexes Pereira | Type: drumcircle

First Saturday of Every Month The Most Excellent Order of the Black Hat from 7pm to 9pm – For more info and to RSVP: us! Bring your Black Hat and a dish to share! Vegetarian is always welcome! Organized byGrannyMoon | Type: meetup

Second Thursday of the MonthReiki Share from 6:30pm to 8pm – join us to share and learn more about this amazing system of universal healing energy, and to participate in a circle of healing.   Beginner friendly and advanced practitioners welcomeOrganized by Gwendolyn | Type: meetup

Second Friday of every MonthHerb of the Month Club from 6:30pm to 8pm – Each month we will delve deep into a chosen herb, exploring the wise woman use, magick use, crafty/cooking/other uses, taste, touch, feel, smell, and essence of the little beastie. Each class will haOrganized by Professor Bubbles | Type: workshop

Third Thursday of every monthStitch and Witch from 5:30pm to 7:30pm – Come join us for fun, friendship and creativity. Whether it be knitting, crocheting, quilting, needlepoint, tatting or whatever you are creating with your hands, bring it.  All levels are welcome, lOrganized by Professor Bubbles | Type: meetup

Here's to Joy and Prosperity for all, for there is no limit to abundance!

Gwendolyn and Bubbles

9970 Main Street, Fairfax, Virginia, 22031(703)352-2343

Sticks and Stones



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