Sticks and Stones

Gifts for Spirit, Mind, Body

Peggie Arvidson's Blog – September 2011 Archive (3)

The Meanings of Fingers

One of the reasons I love the term hand analysis versus palmistry to describe my work is that it takes into consideration everything in a hand.  Although palmistry is a more commonly recognized term, it can lead the uninitiated to believe that the focus is exclusively on the palm and the lines.


In reality, to get to the heart of what's happening for you now, you'll want to look at everything, and especially your fingers.


Each finger has it's own meaning and…


Added by Peggie Arvidson on September 26, 2011 at 12:54pm — No Comments

How Your Hands Reflect Your Body

There's a bit of education that happens when people come to me for a reading.  See, I'm not a predictive palmist.  While that's what you may have been expecting based on the prevalence of the neon-lighted readers and TV, that's just not who I am.  Frankly, most people are relieved once they hear that.


Don't you feel empowered knowing that you have free will and that your actions and thoughts can literally change the direction of your life (and the…


Added by Peggie Arvidson on September 22, 2011 at 12:10pm — No Comments

Free Will vs. Fate - Why I'm NOT the Palmist who Predicts the Future

This debate - free will versus fate is as old as the ancient traditions I figure.

It comes up regularly when people find out that my source of income is derived from reading people's hands to help them leap into their exceptional life.


There are those that tell me, "I'd never want to know what my future holds, don't look at my hands!" and those that stick their hands in my face, inches from my nose and insist, "So what do you see?  Am I going to be…


Added by Peggie Arvidson on September 19, 2011 at 11:30am — No Comments

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